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4.0 ( 7830 ratings )
Musica Intrattenimento
Sviluppatore CME: Central European Media Enterprises

[EN] MusicFM is a radio dedicated to those who love good music, no mather what period of time or style it belongs. At Music FM you will find yourself listening to the greatest hits from the last 30 years, those refrains you know by heart, those artists you’ve grown up with, wishing to get to see live.
At Music FM, the music comes always first. That’s why we don’t have newscasts. Instead, Music fm is offering information about your favorite bands, albums, tours or the main subjects of the day during the brief DJ interventions.
One thing is for sure! Either you’re in traffic, having a busy day at work or just taking a stroll in the park, listening to Music Fm is going to make your day really awesome.

[RO] MusicFM e un radio dedicat celor care iubesc muzica din ultimii 30 de ani si nu tin sa o clasifice pe genuri si etape, pentru iubitorii de versuri si melodie. La Music Fm vei auzi refrenele pe care le stii pe de rost, vei regasi artistii pe care ti-ai dorit dintotdeauna sa ii vezi in concerte live. Fara a intrerupe ‘moodul’ muzical cu buletine de stiri, MusicFM ofera informatii muzicale si noutatile zilei in interventiile scurte ale realizatorilor de programe. Un lucru e sigur. Indiferent ca esti in trafic, ai o zi agitata la serviciu sau ai iesit la o plimbare in parc, Music FM o sa-ti faca ziua mai frumoasa.